Tyrehouse respects the privacy of visitors to its website, in particular the rights of visitors with regard to the automated processing of personal data. To ensure complete transparency with our customers, we have therefore formulated and implemented a policy with regard to these processing operations themselves, their purpose and the possibilities for data subjects to exercise their rights as best as possible.
For all additional information about the protection of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl.
By continuing to visit this website you accept the following terms of use. You accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems. If you wish to refuse this use, you must disable the use of cookies in your web browser.
The current version of the privacy statement available on the website is the only version that applies as long as you visit the website, until a new version replaces the current version.
Article 1 - Legal provisions
1. Website (hereinafter also “The Website”): http://www.tyrehouse.nl
2. Controller for the processing of personal data (Hereinafter also: “The administrator”): Tyrehouse, Turbinestraat 4, 3903 LW Veenendaal
Article 2 - Access to the website
Access to the website and use is strictly personal. You will not use this website or the data and information provided on it for commercial, political or advertising purposes, or for any commercial offers and in particular not for unsolicited electronic offers.
Article 3 - The content of the website
All brands, images, texts, comments, illustrations, (animation) pictures, video images, sounds, as well as all technical applications that can be used to make the website function and more generally all parts used on this site, are protected by law due to intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, repetition, use or modification, in any way whatsoever, of the whole or just part of it, including the technical applications, without the prior written permission of the controller is strictly prohibited. If the administrator does not immediately take action against any infringement, this cannot be interpreted as tacit consent or a waiver of legal action.
Article 4 - Management of the website
For the proper management of the website, the administrator can at any time:
- suspend, interrupt or restrict access to all or part of the website for a certain category of visitors
- remove any information that may disrupt the functioning of the website or is contrary to national or international law or is contrary to internet etiquette
- have the website temporarily unavailable in order to carry out updates
Article 5 - Responsibilities
The administrator is under no circumstances responsible for failures, disruptions, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the website, as a result of which the website or any of its functionalities are inaccessible. The way in which you connect to the website is your own responsibility. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and data against, among other things, virus attacks on the Internet. You are also responsible for the websites and data that you consult on the internet.
The administrator is not liable for legal proceedings against you:
- due to the use of the website or services accessible via the internet
- for violating the terms of this privacy policy
The administrator is not responsible for any damage that you incur yourself, or that third parties or your equipment incur as a result of your connection to or use of the website. You will refrain from any action against the administrator as a result.
If the manager becomes involved in a dispute as a result of your use of this website, he is entitled to recover from you all damage that he has suffered and will suffer as a result.
Article 6 - Data collection
Your data is collected by Tyrehouse. Personal data means: all information about an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic , psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.
The personal data collected on the website will only be used by the administrator to maintain relationships with you and, if applicable, to process your contact request.
Article 7 - Your rights with regard to your data
Pursuant to Article 13(2)(b) GDPR, everyone has the right to inspect and rectify or erase his personal data or limit the processing concerning him, as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at info@tyrehouse.nl.
Any request for this must be accompanied by a copy of a valid proof of identity on which you have signed and stating the address at which you can be contacted. You will receive an answer to your request within 1 month after the submitted request. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this period can be extended by 2 months if necessary.
Article 8 - Processing of personal data
In the event of a violation of any law or regulation, of which the visitor is suspected and for which the authorities require personal data that the administrator has collected, these will be provided to them after an explicit and reasoned request from those authorities, after which these personal data will no longer be stored. fall under the protection of the provisions of this privacy statement.
If certain information is necessary to access certain functionalities of the website, the controller will indicate the mandatory nature of this information at the time of requesting the data.
Article 9 - Commercial offers
If you come across any personal data while visiting the website, you must refrain from collecting it or from any other unauthorized use as well as from any act that constitutes an infringement of the privacy of that person(s). The manager is under no circumstances responsible in the above situations.
Article 10 - Image material and products offered
No rights can be derived from the images associated with the products offered on the website.
Article 11 - GDPR
Personal data that we process
Tyrehouse processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide this data to us yourself. Below you will find an overview of the personal data we process:
- First and last name
- E-mail address
- Phone number
- Information about your activities on our website
Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process
Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors who are younger than 16 years of age. Unless they have permission from parents or guardians. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16. We therefore recommend that parents be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children from being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal information about a minor without this consent, please contact us at info@tyrehouse.nl and we will delete this information.
For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?
Tyrehouse processes your personal data for the following purposes:
- Handling your contact request
Automated decision making
Tyrehouse does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that could have (significant) consequences for people. This concerns decisions that are taken by computer programs or systems, without a human being involved (for example an employee of Tyrehouse).
How long we keep personal data
Tyrehouse does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected.
Delen van persoonsgegevens met derden
Tyrehouse verkoopt uw gegevens niet aan derden en zal deze uitsluitend verstrekken indien dit nodig is voor de uitvoering van onze overeenkomst met u of om te voldoen aan een wettelijke verplichting. Met bedrijven die uw gegevens verwerken in onze opdracht, sluiten wij een bewerkersovereenkomst om te zorgen voor eenzelfde niveau van beveiliging en vertrouwelijkheid van uw gegevens. Tyrehouse blijft verantwoordelijk voor deze verwerkingen.
Gegevens inzien, aanpassen of verwijderen
U heeft het recht om uw persoonsgegevens in te zien, te corrigeren of te verwijderen. Daarnaast heeft u het recht om je eventuele toestemming voor de gegevensverwerking in te trekken of bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van jouw persoonsgegevens door Tyrehouse en heeft u het recht op gegevensoverdraagbaarheid. Dat betekent dat u bij ons een verzoek kan indienen om de persoonsgegevens die wij van u beschikken in een computerbestand naar u of een ander, door u genoemde organisatie, te sturen. Je kunt een verzoek tot inzage, correctie, verwijdering, gegevensoverdraging van uw persoonsgegevens of verzoek tot intrekking van je toestemming of bezwaar op de verwerking van jouw persoonsgegevens sturen naar info@tyrehouse.nl. Om er zeker van te zijn dat het verzoek tot inzage door u is gedaan, vragen wij u een kopie van uw identiteitsbewijs met het verzoek mee te sturen. Maak in deze kopie uw pasfoto, MRZ (machine readable zone, de strook met nummers onderaan het paspoort), paspoortnummer en Burgerservicenummer (BSN) zwart. Dit ter bescherming van uw privacy. We reageren zo snel mogelijk, maar binnen vier weken, op jouw verzoek. Tyrehouse wil u er tevens op wijzen dat u de mogelijkheid hebt om een klacht in te dienen bij de nationale toezichthouder, de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. Dat kan via de volgende link: https://autoriteitpersoonsgege...
How we protect personal data
Tyrehouse takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you feel that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, please contact us at info@tyrehouse.nl
Article 12 - Contact
For questions, product information or information about the website itself, please contact: C. Vlastuin, info@tyrehouse.nl